Alternative Professions Box
- Filename: AlternativeProfessionsBox.pkm (39 kB)
- Current version: 2.2 (122 months ago)
- Total downloads: 5,492
Remove profession name to let only profession icon on the profession list box n featured with minimize button,,,
This mod is just alternative way,,,, if u want to play Banished with much more new profession,,,,
Plaese Note before download n use v2.2
completely Incompatible with previus version,,, n may cause error if u load save file with older version alt. professions box opened,,, to use it make sure u have to close older version alt. professions box, disable that mod n then save ur game,,,
- full conpatible with other mod which included new professions,,,,
about v2.2,,,
- enhanced minimize mode to minimum screen consume,,,
- fixed overlaping list when use one column(vertical),,,
- change model from hozontal/vertical to column model valiable one to four column,,,
- one and two column may scolling if there more than 25 professions strored in one row(vertical),,,,,,,,,,
v2.2 hightly recomended if u like my older version,,,
v2.2 overview,,,
To avoid conflict with CC and also as kralyerg said,,, b'couse that one of CC feature to make profession box scrolling,,,, so I decided to make another professions file n put it on stand alone toolbar,,,,
version 2.0 Profession list overview,,,,,, with professions th (text horizontal),,,,,,
hope u like this,,,, :)
thank for all downloader
- little fix for incorect title,, its a common problem of foreign leanguage,,,
- add stand alone toolbar alt.professions box under reports toolbar - add new variant alt.professions list box - add new feature minimize button