Faster Education, Faster Tombs, Increase stock Fields size
- Filename: Citizen-Faster-Education.pkm (12 kB)
- Current version: 1.01 (125 months ago)
- Total downloads: 9,080
This mod is use for several things:
* Increases your stock fields maximum capacity and also lets you make bigger stockfields (15x15)
*Reduces education time( Get laborers faster)
*Children turn to adults at a younger age(this means they get in to school faster to produce more laborers quicker)
*Wider range for marriage and for giving birth to children
*Citizens live longer
*Increases Storage House Capacity
*Increases Citizens walking speeds
*Reduces Tombstones time in graveyards(From 6 years to around 2-3 years)
This is the first version may do more tweaks if it gets popular and please leave suggestion on the comments.
Notes: This uses Citizens.rsc therefore if you are using faster roads mod it may have conflicts thats why I added the same feature
If you load a saved game with this mod it may cause your citizens either grow at a fast speed so be prepare to have some starvation problems ( happend to me)
If you load a saved game with stock fields and storages already, you will have to rebuild those for the mod to take effect on those stockfields.
- Updated Barn Maximum storage value, Now hold even more increased from 12000 to 25000.