Citizen Modification
- Filename: citmod.pkm (62 kB)
- Current version: 1.1 (122 months ago)
- Total downloads: 10,998
NOTICE: This mod is in need of testing. Comments are welcome! I'm aiming for a slight decrease as it just seems to me that they go through food far too quickly.
This mod tweaks the food consumption of citizens to lower their yearly food intake just slightly. (Yearly food dropped from 100 to 75.) Although I have not yet been able to tell whether or not it makes a difference and the number may need to be adjusted up or down.
This mod also reduces the length of time that students go to school somewhat. (Education Time Length from 3 down to 2)
No obvious clashes with the following mods: Adam & Eve, Better Fishing, Better Harvesting, Better Schools, CC: Maple Harpoon, Huge Terrain, Unlimited Mines & Quarries.
I THINK it will work on a current savegame. -- But don't quote me on that. My game loaded up without any obvious errors after enabling this mod but I have not played enough yet to be able to say for sure whether or not it is working in that save game.
- Fixed an issue where the game was ignoring the mod and still using base game defaults. - Changed from food per year 75 to food per year 76 because 76 was giving more accurate ranges.