Coal as Material (Colonial Charter mod)
- Filename: endiadika6CoalasMaterial.pkm (8 kB)
- Current version: 2.9 (121 months ago)
- Total downloads: 4,487
This mod change Coal flag from fuel to material in CC mod.
version 1.0:
change coal flag from fuel to material in CC mod and add new mine that produce coal in material flag.
version 2.8:
- Remove the new Mine that I created and make Mine from CC such as Dark & Deep Mine usable with this mod (so you can remove Mine from the previous version of this mod & use the Mine from CC).
- Fixed with the CC Large Smithy can't produce steel tool and joist
- Fixed to be more compatible with Medieval Blacksmith from New Medieval Town mod by RedKetchup.
version 2.9:
- Added compability with Coal Silo storage (now you can store coal in Coal Silo).
The newest version (v. 29) is the fixed version from the previous mod version. Because this mod is addon for CC : EA, your CC : EA mod should be active in modding list to prevent from crashing or not working of other building that need coal for resource. If your game doesn't use CC : EA mod, you can disable this mod.
For the load order, Coal as Material will best working if placed above other mods that conflicting with Coal as Material.
Note: Because I'm just change the Coal Silo storage flag with the same flag as coal for material, so don't be surprised if the Coal SIlo also store Materials stuff like joist, sand, clay, and so on.
- Added compability with Coal Silo storage (now you can store coal in Coal Silo).
- Fixed with the CC Large Smithy can't produce steel tool and joist. - Fixed to be more compatible with Medieval Blacksmith from New Medieval Town mod by RedKetchup.