Multiple Starts
- Filename: MultipleStarts.pkm (33 kB)
- Current version: 1.2 (122 months ago)
- Total downloads: 5,694
This mod adds in some new start conditions. As such, it modifies StartConditions, so may not be compatible with other mods that do as well.
The following conditions are added:
1) Eden - A single family with a large amount of resources and no children.
2) Solo - A single family with a small amount of resources and no children.
3) Duo - Two families with a small amount of resources and no children.
4) Trio - Three Families with a small amount of resources and no children.
5) Herders - 3 families of herders which got lost looking for their herd. Starts with a small bunch of resources and a large amount of livestock.
6) Gatherers - 3 families of gatherers. Starts with a small amount of resources and a gatherers hut.
7) Hunters - 3 families of hunters. Start with a small amount of resources and a hunters lodge.
8) HunterxGatherer - 3 families of hunters and gatherers. Starts with a small amount of resources, a hunters lodge, and a gatherers hut.
9) Herbalists - 3 families of herbalists. Starts with a small amount of resources and an herbalist.
10) Forester - 3 families of foresters. Starts with a small amount of resources and a forester.
11) Doctor - A single surviving family in a small village wiped out by an unknown plague. Starts with a small amount of resources, market, 3 stone houses, and a hospital.
12) Vagrants - 5 Vagrant families with a large amount of resources and a boarding house.
13) Small Town - A small town of 10 families, complete with a blacksmith, market, 10 stone houses, a tailor, and a decent amount of resources.
14) Small Exodus - 15 extremely poor exiled families. Only 2 families start educated. No children.
15) Medium Exodus - 30 extremely poor exiled families. Only 2 families start educated. No children.
16) Large Exodus - 45 extremely poor exiled families. Only 2 families start educated. No children.
17) Massive Exodus - 60 extremely poor exiled families. Only 2 families start educated. No children.
18-21) Easy modes of each Exodus type. Starts with a small amount of resources scaled to the family sizes. Has children and all families are educated.
Just to be clear, this only modifies StartConditions.rsc:_resources section.
Feel free to leave suggestions for new start scenarios in the comments. I'll implement more as time permits.
Known issues:
1) Multiple attempts to overwrite Start Scenarios may cause the game to crash. To fix this, uninstall the conflicting mod(s) or this mod, then check the box to reset all settings back to default in the
Options menu when loading the game.
Known issues: 1) Multiple attempts to overwrite Start Scenarios may cause the game to crash. To fix this, uninstall the conflicting mod(s) or this mod, then check the box to reset all settings back to default in the Options menu when loading the game. Changelog: v1.2 New: - Added Eden Start - Added Hunter X Gatherer start - Added Forester start - Added Vagrants start Bug Fixes: - Fixed farming seeds for easy exodus modes Changes: - Added an extra farming seed, orchard seed, and livestock to easy exodus modes v1.1 New: - Added Gatherers Start - Added Hunters Start - Added Doctor Start - Added Herbalist Start Changes: - Added an extra family to Herders start
Added 4 new start scenarios: 1) Gatherers 2) Herbalists 3) Hunters 4) Doctor Changes: Added an extra family to the Herders scenario.