More Hard Starts
- Filename: MoreStarts.pkm (865 kB)
- Current version: 6.0 (54 months ago)
- Total downloads: 3,881
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This adds more starting conditions based on the Hard start. It also adds the Animal, Crop, and Fig example mods, so you don't need them installed!
The Hard+ Starts:
There is one start for every seed and livestock in the vanilla game. They are literally just the original Hard start with the listed seed or animal. However, they will alter the starting food and clothing to match the new seed or animal. See pic above.
There are also three new starts for the Example Mods (Yes, this means you no longer need those mods installed.)
- Fig
- Leghorn
- Lettuce
Special Starts
Single Couple
- Adam and Eve: Two, educated people and Apple Seeds.
- Extream: Two, uneducated people with barely enough food and firewood.
- Jack and Jill: Two, uneducated people with litteraly nothing.
- Starvation: Two, eduated people with clothes and tools, but no food or firewood.
Single Family
All single couple starts have a version with 0-2 children.
Two Families
All single couple starts have a version with a second family.
Multiple Families
- Colony: Eight, educated families with Sheep and Wheat seeds.
- Banished: Four, uneducated families with barely enough food and firewood.
- Exiled: Four, uneducated familes with literaly nothing.
- Famine Four, educated families with clothes and tools, but no food or firewood.
All Jack and Jill starts and Exiled are not possible without other mods installed! You will lose.
Latest Update
- Two Families starts added.
- Shared file updated.
- More starts added. - Fixed possible incompatibility with UI Mods