Better Stock Piles
- Filename: BetterStockPiles.pkm (12.4 MB)
- Current version: 1.2 (84 months ago)
- Total downloads: 23,161
compiled with Banished ModKit107, but works on 106 also.
Better Stock Piles v1.1
This mod alters the resource stockpile models of the vanilla Coal, Firewood, Iron, Logs & Stone.
Place above other mods that reference the model code of these RawMaterials.
Download & Installation:
- Download from above the latest version of the file.
- place BetterStockPiles.pkm inside your Banished/WinData folder.
- enable the mod on the Main Menu and also enable through the Pause Menu when loading into a previous save.
- Place above other mods that reference the model code of these RawMaterials.
Change Log:
- v1.1 -- 15April2017
- added replacement models for Coal & Iron stock pile models.
- optimized Firewood, Logs & Stone models for poly reduction.
- v1.0 -- 14April2017
- Initial release, replaces the vanilla Firewood, Logs & Stone stock pile models.