Easy Mod.
- Filename: EasyMod.pkm (7 kB)
- Current version: 1.0 (83 months ago)
- Total downloads: 8,479
More ressource, More food, more stockage, less food consomption.
For those who want more villagers, so more food, this is the mod to have. Play this game and i was so sad that there is not a lot of food, or goods. Hard of course, for those who like to be hurt, but i am not like that, i like to play with challenges but so cool too. I was looking for a settlers game like, without fight, but with resources management. This game is great, but so hard that was not really fun for me, as i was looking for a game with plenty of villagers managements.
Install the downloaded file hier : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Banished\WinData
Play a new game will be better. Be carreful, somes others mods could conflict with this one, all mods which increase resources will do that.
Have a nice game!