Epic Difficulty
- Filename: EpicDifficulty.pkm (7 kB)
- Current version: 1.2 (122 months ago)
- Total downloads: 3,154
Diseases are much more dangerous, diverse and happen more often (even more dangerous than Disease Overhaul).
Boarding Houses burn fuel 25% less efficiently.
Housing building material cost is about 25% higher.
Firewood value reduced from 4 to 1.
Herb raw material count reduced by more than 50%.
Well cost doubled and 40 iron cost added to discourage well spam.
These changes are for Banished veterans who would like to see a more challenging and varied late game. 1k population with this mod should be a true achievement (at least that is what I am going for).
Disease change help create a varied disaster that could wipe a few or many villagers at any time, especially when pop is unhealthy. This actually encourages the use of nomads to repopulate your village.
Housing change makes the step up to stone houses tougher to get to early on. Also helps to have more of a material sink.
Firewood value change make firewood no longer the go to trading item to get whatever you want.
Boarding house burning change makes them a more temporary house that should be used only if needed (nomads).
Herbs were way to easy to acquire and by more than halving their frequency in the wild it should help make them less prevalent and that much tougher to keep a healthy population (a non healthy population has a higher chance of diseases).
Still testing these changes... if you have any ideas about the balance or more that I should change just leave a comment and I will consider it.
Thank you.
Removed the higher death rate for professions, not even sure if that worked right. Removed the higher rate of fuel usage for wooden and stone houses. Removed the nerf to Hospitals as it is most likely unnecessary, as diseases are truly frightening. Lessened the higher rate of fuel usage for Boarding houses (now it is 25% more fuel usage than vanilla to encourage the temporary nature of its use). Lessened the raw material cost of housing from 50% higher to only 25% higher than vanilla (didn't want it to be too grindy, but still wanted there to be a gap between wooden and stone houses).
- Wells costs x2 more stone and wood, and now cost 40 iron as well (too easy to spam to fight fires) - Disease chance increased for healthy and unhealthy populations (i want diseases to actually happen) - Housing now only costs 50% more than base costs (x2 was a bit much and really slowed down the game) - Herb rawmaterial lowcreatecount reduced from 1.0 to .5 (I want herbs to be tough to get and very valuable as an unhealthy population will lead to a much greater disease chance)