Jamie's Trading Revamp
- Filename: MerchantsAndTradeFix.pkm (7 kB)
- Current version: 3 (125 months ago)
- Total downloads: 5,256
Warning: The Trading Ports section of this mod is now obsolete now that the dev has released a patch. May create conflicts with the latest app version.
There are now seven separate mods in this mod! Only the first one is here ie MerchantsAndTradeFix, but the full zip can be found here http://worldofbanished.com/index.php?topic=561.0
The first three only effect the Merchants and the rate that Trade Boats arrive. WARNING: Use only one at a time. Not compatible with other mods that effect the Trading Port. If you use the Colonial Charter mod please make sure that the MerchantAndTradeFix is above it in the list. It will show as a conflict, but Should work.
1. MerchantsAndTradeFix-this simply uses my redone Merchants and my True Trade Fix. Boats arrive at the [u]Normal[/u] speeds.
2. MerchantsAndTradeFixSlower-the same as the first one, but with [u]Longer[/u] wait times between boats.
3. MerchantsAndTradeFixFaster-the same as the first one, but with [u]Shorter[/u] wait times between boats.
The next four change the value of various potential trade goods.
1. MeatAndEggs-this mod [u]Increases[/u] the value of all Meats and Eggs by 1.
2. AleAndFirewood-this mod [u]Reduces[/u] the price of Ale and Firewood by 1.
3. NutsAndBeans-this [u]Increases[/u] the value of Nuts and Beans by 1 and makes Beans a protein instead of a vegetable.
4. ClothingAndTools-this [u]Increases[/u] the value of Wool and Leather Coats by 3, Warm Coats by 5, Steel Tools by 2, and Iron Tools by 2
- Changed this Lots of changes in this now modular so that you can pick and choose. Includes my True Trade Fix.
- Changed this Fixed a missing issue where the General Goods merchant was missing. - Updated that