- Filename: ExtensionPlus.pkm (19 kB)
- Current version: 1.6 (60 months ago)
- Total downloads: 15,501
This mode only extends the current setting. All original values remain unchanged.
I hope you like it. ;-)
If anyone would have a problem with the game crashing when generating and playing. So try the 32 bit version. Or Profiler version x64 or x86.The game is still in beta version and is causing the problem bigger map than the one officially available. I tested the map size Gigantic and I had no problems. It is possible that problems may occur later in the game when the population grows. Personally, I play on Very Large or Huge maps.
If you have any problems with the fall of the game, so contact the game developer. I'm with it, unfortunately I can not do anything. This mod only extends the original settings. If the game can not handle this, so there is a problem in the game. :-(
Version 1.6 is for game version 1.0.7, which should allegedly correct those crashes when playing larger maps. But still, I recommend using a maximum of "Very Large".
Adds 7 new difficulty:
Super Easy - Super easy game where you start with 6 families and many children. Huge quantities of raw materials, tools, clothing, etc.
Very Easy - Very easy game where you start with 6 families and plenty of children. A large amount of initial raw materials and tools.
Expert - Heavier game where you start with two families with no education and few children. No initial raw materials, only a few tools and firewood.
Master - Very difficult game, where you start with one family with no education and few children. No initial raw materials, only very few tools, clothing, firewood and meals.
Grand Master - Really very hard difficulty, where you start with a family with no education and few children. Without the initial all, only very small quantities of food and tools.
Deadly Race - This is a mode where you start on normal difficulty with 12 families, each with up to 5 children. It is a battle with time, food and their lives. How many survive?
Adam & Eve - Start with only one man and one woman as it was at the beginning of the Tree of Life. Initial resources are minimal but sufficient.
Added 6 new climate:
Beautifully - Beautiful weather, where temperatures do not drop far below zero. Throughout the year it's not raining or snowing. Ideal for building village. Chances tornado every 1000 years.
Pretty - Very mild weather. Less chance of rain or snow. The temperatures do not drop far below zero. Chances tornado every 200 years.
Unbearable - Very rough weather, which quickly turns cloudy and temperatures soar high and far below zero. There is no problem to move between -40 and +40 ° C. Chances tornado every 50 years.
Chaotic - Literally chaotic weather. Extremely high temperature fluctuations. High probability for a weather change. Chances tornado every 25 years.
Ice Age - Ice age, when temperatures are below zero for most of the year and climb to a beautiful 10 degrees for only 2-3 months. Tornadoes are every 100 years.
Vulcanic Age - There have been massive eruptions on Earth, and temperatures have risen to a nasty 32 to 65 degrees throughout the year!
Added 5 new map size:
Mikro - About 36% less than the "Small".
Tiny - About 25% less than the "Small".
Very Large - About 25% larger than the "Large". Generator maps and the game itself may be unstable!
Huge - About 50% larger than than "Large". Generator maps and the game itself may be unstable!
Gigantic - About 75% larger than than "Large". Generator maps and the game itself may be unstable!
Added 4 new terrain types:
Flat - Terrain with mountains around the perimeter of the map.
Super Flat - Contains no mountains and the terrain is perfectly flat.
Fish Eye - Contains mountains around the perimeter of the map in the shape of a fisheye.
Water World - Contains many lakes and rivers. The mountains are only around the perimeter of the map
Localization: Game/Climate/ClimateMsgs.rsc
StringTable resource
Entry _strings
String _name = "Beautifully"; String _text = "Beautifully";
String _name = "Pretty"; String _text = "Pretty";
String _name = "Unbearable"; String _text = "Unbearable";
String _name = "Chaotic"; String _text = "Chaotic";
String _name = "IceAge"; String _text = "Ice Age";
String _name = "VulcanicAge"; String _text = "Vulcanic Age";
Localization: Game/Terrain/TerrainMsgs.rsc
StringTable resource
Entry _strings
String _name = "Flat"; String _text = "Flat";
String _name = "SuperFlat"; String _text = "Super Flat";
String _name = "FishEye"; String _text = "Fish Eye";
String _name = "WaterWorld"; String _text = "Water World";
String _name = "Swamps"; String _text = "Swamps";
Localization: Game/StartCondition/StartConditionsMsgs.rsc
StringTable resource
Entry _strings
String _name = "AdamAndEveName"; String _text = "Adam & Eve";
String _name = "AdamAndEveDesc";
String _text = "Start with only one man and one woman as it was at the beginning of the Tree of Life. Initial resources are minimal but sufficient.";
String _name = "DeadlyRaceName"; String _text = "Deadly Race";
String _name = "DeadlyRaceDesc";
String _text = "Start on medium difficulty with 12 families where each can have up to 5 children. The fight against time begins. Only the strongest survive.";
String _name = "GrandMasterName"; String _text = "Grand Master";
String _name = "GrandMasterDesc";
String _text = "Really very hard difficulty, where you start with a family with no education and few children. Without the initial raw materials. Only a few pieces of tools and small amounts of food.";
String _name = "MasterName"; String _text = "Master";
String _name = "MasterDesc";
String _text = "Very difficult game, where you start with one family with no education and few children. No initial raw materials, only very few tools, clothing, firewood and meals.";
String _name = "ExpertName"; String _text = "Expert";
String _name = "ExpertDesc";
String _text = "Heavier game where you start with two families with no education and few children. No initial raw materials, only a few tools, clothing, firewood and meals.";
String _name = "VeryEasyName"; String _text = "Very Easy";
String _name = "VeryEasyDesc";
String _text = "Very easy game where you start with 6 families and plenty of children. A large amount of initial raw materials and tools.";
String _name = "SuperEasyName"; String _text = "Super Easy";
String _name = "SuperEasyDesc";
String _text = "Super easy game where you start with 6 families and plenty of children. A extreme large amount of initial raw materials and tools.";
Localization: Dialog/StringTable.rsc
StringTable terrainSize
Entry _strings
String _name = "TerrainSize0"; String _text = "Micro";
String _name = "TerrainSize1"; String _text = "Tiny";
String _name = "TerrainSize2"; String _text = "Small";
String _name = "TerrainSize3"; String _text = "Medium";
String _name = "TerrainSize4"; String _text = "Large";
String _name = "TerrainSize5"; String _text = "Very Large";
String _name = "TerrainSize6"; String _text = "Huge";
String _name = "TerrainSize7"; String _text = "Gigantic";
Build for version 1.0.7 Climate + Ice Age + Vulcanic Age Start Condition + Deadly Race + Adam & Eve * GrandMaster - added a little more starting material
+ Added support for localization. * Removed unneeded files. * Fixed a file name with a mod (you need to remove the old file). Extension.pkm -> ExtensionPlus.pkm
+ Added terrain type "Water World", which contains many lakes and rivers. The mountains are just around the map. + Added difficulty "Super Easy" where you start with 4 families with many children. Huge quantities of raw materials and tools, clothing, etc. * The difficulty of "Very Easy" reduced the number of families from 8 to 6 and added more children.
+ Added Super Flat terrain type, which has no mountains and the whole map is perfectly straight. + Added Fish Eye terrain type, which contains only a mountain circumferentially maps shaped fish eye. * Fixed a few labels. * Fixed Flat terrain type, which now generate mountains around the perimeter of the map, not a map.
Difficulty GrandMaster adjusted so that all did not die during the first winter. - Added 10 tools and food is raised from 300 to 400 But I still prefer the Master difficulty. GrandMaster is rather in the sense of - how many years can you survive.