Jamie's True Trade Fix!
- Filename: tradefix.pkm (6 kB)
- Current version: 1.0 (125 months ago)
- Total downloads: 2,215
IMPORTANT:. THIS MOD IS NOW OBSOLETE DOWNLOAD THE LATEST PATCH FROM THE DEVELOPER. If for some reason you can't get the latest Official Patch you can still use this mod. For best results start a new game! This is not a Boat Fix!
As most people know using a lot of mods has a tendency to cause Trading Port related crashes. The crashes are caused by menu overflow. The developer made part of the Trading Port menu dynamic to fix this. However, another part of the menu, the Order menu to be precise, was not made dynamic.
Since the Order menu wasn't dynamic any time a General Merchant came with more than 64 items available for order a crash would occur. To resolve this various Boat fixes have been required that broke up the various items across multiple boats to avoid the 64 limit. Well this mod fixes that since I was able to locate where the limit was set in the resource files! The limit is now 256!
Known To Be Compatible With:.
Lots Of Seeds
Extra Exile
The Fountain Mod
Town & Textiles
All Red Ketchup Mods
And many others!
Note:. I had 31 total mods running including the ones listed above and did not crash when a Vanilla General Merchant Arrived! This mod will be included as part of future versions of Jamie's Trading Revamp mod. Use one or the other not both!