Trader tweak
- Filename: Traders.pkm (11 kB)
- Current version: 1.0 (127 months ago)
- Total downloads: 1,867
Don't download this! An updated (and hopefully complete) fix is here:
This old one works to a point, but then it still crashes. The new one above should work until the dev can come up with a permanent solution.
So don't download this. :)
[old text below]
So, people are still having merchant crashing problems, so I thought I give it a try. I'm not sure exactly what I did different than RedKetchup or IceBlade, but this seems to work for me. I read through the thread on this to get some insight and then tweaked things just a bit.
When I tested it, I loaded up the Creamery, Baker/Miller, Lots of Seeds, ExtraExile, Apiary (and even some crazy pre-pre-alpha mods of my own that barely work) to maximize new resources. Then I used the debug mod to build 12 trading posts and ran the game for 10 years and clicked on every single trader that came by. Never crashed.
Maybe if you're still crashing, try this and see? Let me know if it doesn't help.