Better Fields v3
- Filename: betterFields.pkm (10 kB)
- Current version: 1 (127 months ago)
- Total downloads: 131,489
Enhances stock fields, orchards, and pastures to be more forgiving and versitile. Easier, more forgiving placement; larger max sizes; more workers. Specific features include the following:
- Fields may be placed on any area where a villager can walk; this includes small slopes,
and most of those annoying single tiles of unbuildable areas. So long as a villager
can pathfind over it, you can make a field over it
- Max size has been increase to 60 square tiles
- Max workers for the crop field and orchard have been increased to 64 workers, and 16 workers for the pasture
(necessary for massive farms)
- Orchards are made slightly denser; trees are planted in a 2x2 pattern instead of the default 2x3
- Crop Fields and Orchards can now be as small as 1x1 tile
- Orchards are made slightly denser; trees are planted in a 2x2 pattern instead of the default 2x3
- Crop Fields and Orchards can now be as small as 1x1 tilev2:
- Crop fields no longer level hills, but overlay onto them
- Crop field max workers increased from 30 to 64
- Orchard max workers increased from 30 to 64
- Pasture max workers increased from 4 to 16v1:
Initial Release