The Mission V1.21
- Filename: SBVMission.pkm (7.6 MB)
- Current version: 1.21 (101 months ago)
- Total downloads: 15,803
The Mission Version 1.21
The Church model and some inspiration to the mod
is based on San Buenaventura Mission in California.
Thanks goes out to Denis de la Rive and Paeng
for a lot of ideas. Some have come true.
Thanks to Gatherer for being persistent with his ideas.
And a lot of other people have given support and a good mood.
There is, of course, the Church which serves 200 people.
Houses - 3x3+road for 4 persons with f-key variants
Large house - 6x3+road for 6 persons
Hostel - 9x3+road - 4 families with 4 persons each
School - 6x9 place for 24 students.
School extension - 6x3+road 12 students
Infirmary - 8x5 takes care of 30 sick people
Quiet Garden - 9x9 decorative garden with a well (f-key 2 versions)
Passageways - 3x3 to connect houses and build covered paths, f-key variants
Storageways - 3x3 same as passageways, with possible 1200 storage
(edible and inedible food, tools, clothes, firewood)
Walls - 1x1 low/high straight/L/T/X - 3x1 low/high straight - 3x1 high gate
New in version 1.2 -
Distillery - 6x5+road - to make that heavenly liqueur from herbs or berries.
Kitchen - 6x3+road - Your favorite 'Chili con Carne' with meat and 'Chili sin Carne'
for those veggies out there. Add Tortilla-bread and you are ready to convert.
Blacksmith - 3x3+road vanilla tools
Tailor - 3x3+road vanilla clothes
Have updated Storageways to store Textile and Health too.
Added herb as crop for trade and liqueur.
Update 1.21 - Added 'Hardened Tools' to the blacksmith
The Mission
The Mission V1.1
The Mission V1.2
- Updated blacksmith with 'Hardened Tools' from Colonial House mod
- Added Kitchen, Blacksmith, Tailor and Distillery - Updated Storage to include Textile and Health