DS Fences and Decorations
- Filename: DSFences.pkm (23.1 MB)
- Current version: 1.3 (85 months ago)
- Total downloads: 29,186
DS Fences and Decorations
version: 1.2 **updated 22-September-2016
(Save game compatible with v1.11)
Download the .pkm file
Move DSFences.pkm file to your Banished/WinData folder
Enable DSFences in the Banished Mod Menu (Main Menu/Game Pause Menu)
Should not matter where on the loads order, no conflicts with other mods.
- Log Fence (4 color variations)
- Horse Fence (2 color variations)
- Country Stone Wall
- Brushwood Fence
- Town Stone Wall (2 color variations)
- Village Stone Wall
- Modular Fence components (2 styles)
- Decorations: Crates, Barrels, Wagons, Ladders, Lanterns, Posts
F-key for variants, on many of the components (fences and decorations). I am too lazy to create all the toolbar icons :)
added in v1.2:
added T-pieces & cross-pieces to the log fence menu. Also roadbound variants.
added new Village Stone Wall (this was a fence that didn't make it into DSSV).
v1.3 -- 25 Dec 2017 - updated into new community-DS toolbar locations. - changed file directory and names of DSSV fence.
New / Added: - Log Fence Junction pieces (T-piece & Cross-piece), all 4 color styles. Also decorative-road-bound variants. - Village Stone Wall (straight, long straight, cnr, end, T-piece, cross-piece, overhang, gates) and lots of variants. Fixed / Changed: - Changed string name of 'Town Stone Wall' menu to 'Town and Village Stone Walls'.
Fixed / Changed: - Fixed issue with Log Fence Gate not build-able on roads. (delete 'Log Fence Gate's before updating) - Fixed issue with Decorative Stone base lanterns not displaying texture correctly.
New / Added: - Modular Fence components (early-release), decorative-road-bound, 2 styles. - Country Stone Wall, single-tile Gate, 5-long Straight, Storage 2x2 Corner, Angle pieces. - Decorations: Added angled variants of small wagons, post lanterns and wall lanterns. - 6 Wooden Post variants (2 styles) - Decorative 'Welcome' & 'Welcome to town' signs added. - Log/Horse/Brushwood Fences, decorative-road-bound alternatives, via Fence menus. - Horse Fence 'Overhang' and 'Non-Flattening' pieces added. - 'Remove Structures' Tool added to DSFences toolbar menu. - Town Stone Wall & End variations. End variants, plus overhang and angle pieces. Fixed / Changed: - Adjusted angles and locations of decorative ladders. - Adjusted size of decorative wagons, barrels, crates/boxes. - Town Stone walls and ends menu's combined. - Build prices changed. - Various string texts altered.