- Filename: Charburner.pkm (3.9 MB)
- Current version: 4 (94 months ago)
- Total downloads: 16,066
The charburner separated from the Nordic mod with reworked model and including the charcoal resource. They produce real charcoal instead of coal in version 1. It is stored in barns and used by the blacksmith to make steel tools. Charcoal will not be used as fuel to heat houses. So you can keep your mineral coal from mines as alternative fuel (without the “no coal in houses mod”). Charcoal is produced from firewood in ratio 1:1.
- Makes NMT blacksmiths able to use charcoal (load this mod above) - Fixed limit bug
- Made it possible to buy and sell charcoal in the trading post.
- reworked model (smaller, on 4x4 tiles) - included charcoal resource