DS Wagon Vendor
- Filename: DSWagonVendor.pkm (10.7 MB)
- Current version: 2.2 (84 months ago)
- Total downloads: 13,491
DS Wagon Vendor - v2.2
New in v2:
- 'Wagon Parts' are now a required construction part for the market wagons. It costs 2 wagon parts + 9 work to make/unpack all the wagons. Wagon Parts cost 5 logs + 2 iron to produce 1-2 parts, value 18 each, storage flag of Construction (Custom5).
**the mod contains files that include and alter the Village Workshop originally included in DSSV: Production, place this mod above in mod list to allow production of wagon parts at this workplace. - removed this in v2.1
See change log below for V2.2 changes.
Added in v2.1 - A small 2x2 Wagon Workshop - a small workshop to make Wagon Parts & Iron Tools
- The Wagon Vendor is now called 'General Market Vendor'
-- 3 F-key variants.
-- 3000 capacity.
-- employs 1-3 Vendors.
-- stocks: All Foods (edibles & non-edibles), Health, Tools, Clothing & Crafted (Custom0).
-- radius: 34.
- 'Fuel Market Vendor'
-- 2000 capacity.
-- employs 1-2 Vendors.
-- stocks: Fuel & Industrial Fuel (Custom3).
-- radius: 21.
- 'Materials Market Vendor'
-- 2000 capacity.
-- employs 1-2 Vendors.
-- stocks: Wood, Materials (Custom4) & Construction Materials (Custom5).
-- radius: 21.
- 'MIS Market Vendor' (aka "Minerals, Iron & Stone Market Vendor")
-- 2000 capacity.
-- employs 1-2 Vendors.
-- stocks: Minerals (CoalFuel), Iron & Stone.
-- radius: 21.
*All wagons are road-build-able, and as such can not be deleted via the remove buildings tool.
To delete, click on the wagon and just to the left of the 'work' button, click 'Pack-up the wagon' to remove the wagon.
*Because the markets are road-build-able, citizens will also walk through the wagons.
- Download the .zip file from above,
- Exract the file: 'DSWagonVendor.pkm',
- Place the file inside your Banished WinData folder,
- Enable the mod in mod list.
previous versions can be downloaded from Nexus Mods.
Change Log:
-- version 2.2 - 20122017
updated storage % values of General Merchant Wagon.
fixed Fuel wagon holding wrong resource flags.
updated General Market 3d models to fix a few issues
updated toolbar icons
-- version 2.1 - 18122017
removed files creating duplicate Village Workshop.
added new Wagon Workshop.
changes to DS toolbar files.
-- version 2.0 - 10042017
updated for banished 107, including new changes to storage flags.
added new General Market Variants.
added new markets: Fuel, Materials, MIS
includes Village Workshop to produce Wagon Parts, construction requirement.
-- version 1 - 01092016
initial release.
v2.2 -- 20122017 -updated storage % values of General Merchant Wagon. -fixed Fuel wagon holding wrong resource flags. -updated General Market 3d models to fix a few issues -updated toolbar icons previously: v2.1 -- 18122017 -removed files creating duplicate Village Workshop. -added new Wagon Workshop. -changes to DS toolbar files. v2.0 -- 10042017 -updated for banished 107, including new changes to storage flags. -added new General Market Variants. -added new markets: Fuel, Materials, MIS -includes Village Workshop to produce Wagon Parts, construction requirement.