Tight Roads
- Filename: tightroads.pkm (10 kB)
- Current version: 1.0.1 (125 months ago)
- Total downloads: 2,576
Update: The successor variant to this mod is Tighter Roads
This mod adjusts the mapping of most of the buildings in the game to allow greater freedom in where the player may place roads. In most cases, anywhere where people could walk is now a road enabled tile. This allow for more seamless integration of your buildings into the surrounding infrastructure.
In the case of the Market, which already had roads everywhere, they can now be replaced with stone roads.
If you try to load this mod into an existing save, and then try to delete a building, it will leave behind permanent, unusable land. However, if you absolutely must use this mod for an existing save, there is a tedious workaround:
1. Do not load the mod yet. Just load your city.
2. Delete the building you want to modify.
3. Once it is gone, load the mod.
4. Rebuild the building
5. Once it it complete, unload the mod (the roads will remain). Or you can leave it on, if you don't plan on deleting any more old buildings.
5a. If you want to delete the new building, it must be deleted with the mod loaded.
Below are a few examples. They're not pretty examples, but they demonstrate the concept. Most all buildings have been modified.
This mod should be compatible with everything. I tried it with unlimited mines and quarries, as well as Colonial Charter and a handful of misc mods.
1.0.1 - Added one more tile to the marketplace that I missed on the first edit.