Busy Laborers [Version 2.0]
- Filename: BusyLaborersVersion2ByDarkbibou.pkm (538 kB)
- Current version: 2.0 (123 months ago)
- Total downloads: 30,189
Hello everyone :)
Did you ever wanted to collect those tasty mushrooms that grows outside of the range of your gatherers huts ?
Did you ever thought that destroying those berry bushes and mushrooms during the cleaning of a construction site instead of harvesting them was a waste ?
If you answered yes to one of those two questions than this mod is made for you ! :D
The Busy Laborers mod allows your citizens to collect wild foods (Berries, mushrooms, onion and roots) and medicinal herbs directly on the map (the same way they already harvest the wood, the stones or the iron).
As a bonus, when your laborers and builders are cleaning a new construction site, they will automatically harvest/collect all the edible food and medicinal herbs that were growing on it instead of discarding them. This slow down the cleaning of the area a tiny bit but the food is not lost anymore ^^
New in version 2.0:
- You can now collect the "Ancient mushrooms" and "Ancient roots" that grows under the "Old pines" of the "Beautiful World" and "Old Growth Forests" mods with the "Collect wild foods" tool/button. Please note that the "Busy Laborers" mod must be placed above the "Beautiful World" mod (or "Old Growth Forests" mod) in the mod list if you want to collect those ancient resources !
- Adding of a new tool/button that allows you to ask your citizens to collect both stone and iron in a specific area.
Other languages:
This mod is also available in French: Busy Laborers - French version
- Version 1.0 and 2.0 were developed for Banished version 1.0.4 (Build 141123 - 64bits)
Last update:
January 21 2015
This mod is also available on the Steam Workshop: Subscribe (Version 1.0 at the moment)
Please, thumbs it up if you like it ;)
- Please, follow the guide written on this site (Installation guide) to know where to place the .pkm file
- Activate the mod through the "Mods" entry of the Banished main menu
Known conflicts:
- The version 2.0 of the "Busy Laborers" mod is conflicting with the "Beautiful World" and "Old Growth Forests" mods but it's the only way to allow your citizens to collect the "Ancient mushrooms" and "Ancient roots" generated by these mods. The "Busy Laborers" mod must always be placed above those two mods in your mod list !
Switching from version 1.0 to 2.0:
The name of the package files (.pkm files) are different between version 1.0 and 2.0.
It means that version 2.0 will not automatically override version 1.0.
However, you can use version 2.0 on an existing savegame that used version 1.0.
To do that, load your savegame, open the mod menu, unselect/unactivate the version 1.0, select/activate version 2.0 and apply modifications with the "Ok" button :)
Special Thanks to:
- Kralyerg of the BlackLiquid team that help me solved a really nasty bug !
- Owlchemist that provided me with the needed files to allow your citizens to collect Ancient resources ^^
- The BanishedInfo administrator for his great site !
- Every downloaders and testers ;)
Feel free to leave a comment (or a simple thank you, it's always appreciated ^^)
See you guys and have fun on Banished ! :D
Changelog (version 2.0): - Adding of a new tool/button that allows you to ask your citizens to collect both stone and iron in a specific area. - You can now collect the "Ancient mushrooms" and "Ancient roots" that grows under the "Old pines" of the "Beautiful World" and "Old Growth Forests" mods with the "Collect wild foods" tool/button. - Small modifications of the descriptions of the tools/buttons