Tighter Charter
- Filename: tightercharter.pkm (71 kB)
- Current version: 4.1 (124 months ago)
- Total downloads: 4,971
Update: The successor variant to this mod is Tighter Roads: Extended Edition
This is the Colonial Charter version of Tighter Roads.
This includes Tighter Roads, so you do not need to run them both.
The game will say this mod conflicts with Colonial Charter, but this is normal and expected. Just be sure this mod is higher up on your load order than CC so it overwrites it.
Use this mod at your own risk and as before it is not save game compatible. I do not have full insight into the future of Colonial Charter, so I cannot guarantee how this mod will react to future versions of CC.
If you'd like to use this mod with an existing save, here is the tedious workaround:
1. Do not load the mod yet. Just load your city.
2. Delete the building you want to modify.
3. Once it is gone, load the mod.
4. Rebuild the building
5. Once it it complete, unload the mod (the roads will remain). Or you can leave it on, if you don't plan on deleting any more old buildings.
5a. If you want to delete the new building, it must be deleted with the mod loaded.
This mod also supports optional CC companion mods, such as the Cathedral
Adds support for CC v1.2. It will still support older versions as well.
Merged Tighter Charter and Tighter Charter+. The + content won't do anything if you do not use any of the relevant content, such as the Cathedral mod.