Disease Overhaul - More Stable Populations
- Filename: DiseaseOverhaul.pkm (7 kB)
- Current version: 1.7 (127 months ago)
- Total downloads: 10,335
Version 1.7 Disease Overhaul
Version 1.6 Disease Overhaul + More Stable Populations by sckchui
Disease chance for healthy population increased (5 times less likely than unhealthy population).
Disease chance for unhealthy population increased (same chance as nomads).
Disease chance for nomads is unchanged.
Disease length doubled.
All diseases have had their transmission time reduced from .25 to .15 and transmission chance between people reduced by 33%.
Deadliness of all diseases increased by 100%.
Chance for the more deadly diseases increased... beware of Cholera, SmallPox and especially the Plague!
Why did I create this mod?
Never felt threatened by diseases, even with Nomads, if I had a few of hospitals.
Random disasters help breakup the flow of the game and produce spontaneous results that I tend to enjoy. Fire and tornadoes did an okay job of this, but diseases did not. Now maybe diseases can help randomize the flow of the game a bit more.
Mod Conflicts / More Stable Populations:
This mod does conflict with any other mod that modifies diseases themselves or modifies citizen.rsc. More Stable Populations is the main incompatible mod that I know of and that is why I made a version (1.6) that combines them.
I believe the ebb and flow of fluctuating populations in the default game provide more incentive for using nomads and help create a challenge in managing your population. I recommend not using the 1.6 version that incorporates More Stable Populations because I feel like it lessons the challenge and fun of the game.
However, if you happen to enjoy the population stability changes and want to make the game more difficult in the disease department than version 1.6 is for you.
The choice mods give to every player is the reason I love modding. Each person loves different things about the game and with modding you can keen on your own set of preferences. Enjoy.
- Version of the standalone Disease Overhaul. - Changed transmission time from .10 to .15 - Changed healthy population disease chance to 5 times less likely as unhealthy (was 4) Noticed that if the first citizen with the disease did not immediately enter a very close hospital than there was no chance of stopping the spread of the disease to the entire population. The transmission time reduction should help make a variety of outcomes more possible.
- Version of Disease Overhaul combined with More Stable Populations by sckchui. - Changed transmission time from .10 to .15 - Changed healthy population disease chance to 5 times less likely as unhealthy (was 4) Noticed that if the first citizen with the disease did not immediately enter a very close hospital than there was no chance of stopping the spread of the disease to the entire population. The transmission time reduction should help make a variety of outcomes more possible.
- Same as version 1.3, but wanted the default download to be just Disease Overhaul, and not the combined Disease Overhaul with More Stable Populations.
- This version of Disease Overhaul incorporates both More Stable Populations by sckchui and the Disease Overhaul changes into one citizen.rsc file, so that if you want to enjoy the changes of More Stable Populations and Disease Overhaul, all you need is this mod.
- Reduced disease transmission chance between people by 33% across the board. This will increase the variance in how fast a disease spreads. Now it should be possible to stop a disease from spreading with some luck and good hospital support. This should be the last version...
- Disease transmission radius halved (back to original value) - Chance of the more deadly disease outbreaks increased (Cholera, Plague, Smallpox) - Healthy Population now only 4 times less likely for a disease outbreak than an unhealthy. - Unhealthy Population now changed to have same disease chance as Nomad Found that the radius change really made it spread to everyone in population a little too easily. Love that it transmits faster though. Hopefully this is a good in between. I want it to be difficult but not impossible to contain diseases when they break out. I think this is close to a final version, it is feeling really good.
- Removed all happiness and population stability changes and added more thorough disease changes