one year is one year - Update 26 (17091434)
- Filename: oneyearisoneyear.pkm (83 kB)
- Current version: 17091434 (90 months ago)
- Total downloads: 82,781
The citizens age 5 times slower, so they age about one year in one year. Children become laborers or students at the age of 6. Students stay in school for 6 years. Villagers can marry and move together between the age of 7 and 70. They can have babies between the age of 15 and 35. Their max. age varies between 50 and 80 years. Some slightly adjustments to food consumption, hunger tolerance, tools penalty, work distance and water search radius implemented. Tomb stones stay for about 100 years.
I suggest to start a new game.
But I loaded several games I started before changing to updated versions and continued with no issues.
And I could recognize the changes.
--> one year is one year at
--> one year is one year at Steam workshop
Discussion @ reddit -->
Update 26 (17091434): - Compiled with 1.0.7 build 170910 mod toolkit
Update 25 (16090133): - Tuned pregnancy and birth delay values
Update 24 (16052032): - Compiled with 1.0.5 build 160505 mod toolkit - several walking distance tweaks are inverted to take into account huge maps from mods like CC
Update 23 (16030231): - Hopefully fixed the high usage of herbs
Update 22 (16010330): - Uneducated laborers (children) can already move together (marry) at the age of 7 (to avoid single households for many years)
Update 21 (15123029): - Compiled with 1.0.5 beta build 151214 mod toolkit Update 20 (15092128): - Changed tomb stone duration to 100 years +/- 5 years
Update 19 (15081927): - Fixed the herbs issue
Update 18 (15070126): - Their max. age varies between 50 and 80, so 65 is the default
Update 17 (15062925): - They can marry and move together at the age of 13 (up to 70) - They can have children at the age of 15 (up to 35) - They don't give birth again so quickly after a child was born - Their max. age varies between 30 and 70, so 50 is the default
Update 16 (15062724): - One typo in description Update 15 (15062723): - Children go to school for 6 years - They can marry and move together at the age of 13 (up to 100) - They can have children at the age of 15 (up to 45) - Their max. age varies between 60 and 100, so 80 is the default
Update 14 (15062322): - for heavens sake, these two values to work out are damn borked, hopefully fixed now that they really stay in school for 5 years Update 13 (15062321): - finally fixed school term length, students stay in school for 5 years now - fixed description Update 12 (15062320): - adjusted school term value Update 11 (15062320): - testing new school values, now children still become either grown up or students at 6, but stay in school for 10 loooong years (hopefully)
Update 10 (15030318): - compiled with modkit build 141123 - happiness is updated faster on depending circumstances - slighlty less use of food - citizens are becoming hungry earlier, but starve to death later (more tolerance) - tools are penalting slightly slower - the radius for water search on fires is a little greater - the max. distance for work is half the default - the max time to get to a work place is half the default
Update 9 (14101017): - compiled with modkit build 141003 - better late than never
Update 8 (14090516): - some adjustments to age for marriage and having children Update 7 (14090215): - testing max. age, max. age tolerance and max. childbearing age changes (inspired by 'More stable populations' by sckchui, fixed for this mod) Update 6 (14090214): - testing new education length values - walking speed values set back to default Update 5 (14083113): - Age to become laborer or to go to school set to 6 years (can't differ the age right now) - pregnancy values adjusted again - testing other values for walking speed on roads (faster than default but not as fast as in 'Faster roads' by Voidus) Update 4 (14083110): - pregnancy values adjusted again - still testing education values Update 3 (14083108): - pregnancy values adjusted - testing education values Update 2: - a tiny adjustment of the value - unfortunately the pregnancy lasts the same amount of time, I don't know how to alter that