- Filename: FpsPlus.pkm (11 kB)
- Current version: 1.0 (60 months ago)
- Total downloads: 11,008
This mod removes some elements from the game that reduce performance and thus reduce FPS.
This game cannot use multicore processors very efficiently, so most of the workload is performed by a single core. For this reason, it is necessary to have high frequencies for one core and that is why this mod was created and is aimed mainly at large cities / settlements.
For all changes you need to start a new game - as is the case with almost every mod.
I did not intentionally remove anything from a tornado that is just once every X years.
Removes all smoke particles on all buildings
- the biggest FPS killer
Removes fire on buildings
- if you have a lot of buildings and the fire is spreading, FPS goes down rapidly
- and if you do not see the fire so it does not matter, you still have nothing but to rely on the activity of the population. Just build up wells.
Removed flying particles around diseased crops
- it does not remove the appearance, but only those "flies" or whatever you call it
Removes the fog calculation
- when zooming in and out, the fog calculation is removed so that the screen remains clear
Rain and snow removed
- the rain is clear and snowfall is only what falls from the sky, snow remains on the ground