- Filename: InfectionsPlus.pkm (15 kB)
- Current version: 1.4 (60 months ago)
- Total downloads: 5,492
This mod adds other diseases that can be acquired during life or from nomads.
The properties of official diseases are not changed. Only new ones with custom properties are added.
Enjoy illness and don't forget hospitals! :-P
Added 33 new disease:
Chance of % Disease Transmission Radius Death
Diptheria 80 0.55 8 80
Dystentery 80 0.55 8 25
Cholera 5 0.90 12 4
Influenza 100 0.60 8 50
Measles 30 0.75 8 10
Mumps 90 0.50 8 35
Plague 1 0.85 12 3
Scarlet Fever 50 0.70 8 15
Small Pox 10 0.85 8 5
Tuberculosis 20 0.80 8 8
Typhus 40 0.75 8 12
Yellow Fever 60 0.65 8 20
AIDS 15 0.50 8 85
Anthrax 26 0.55 8 32
Bacillus Infernus 32 0.50 12 15
Bronchitis 48 0.45 8 14
Cancer 11 0.40 8 92
Constipation 30 0.55 8 5
COVID-19 50 0.60 12 4
Creutzfeldt-Jakob 6 0.55 8 90
Cutie Pox 45 0.60 8 11
Cytomegalovirus 40 0.50 8 10
Diabetes 20 0.45 8 12
Ebola 20 0.50 8 90
Encefalopatie 35 0.55 8 50
Febris 38 0.55 8 15
Fibrodysplasia 28 0.40 8 62
Glaukom 25 0.50 8 23
Goblin Fever 55 0.75 16 2
H1N1 42 0.45 8 16
H5N1 38 0.55 8 19
Chlamydia 35 0.40 8 30
Jaundice 35 0.55 8 12
Jungle Worms 12 0.48 12 41
Lassa Fever 37 0.55 8 8
Leishmaniasis 28 0.60 8 60
Lycanthropy 16 0.66 12 34
Macrovirus 56 0.55 8 7
Meningitis 40 0.50 8 13
Motaba 37 0.60 12 39
Neurodermatitis 10 0.80 8 17
Pertusse 50 0.40 8 20
RadiationSickness 31 0.50 12 35
SARS 40 0.50 8 9
Tunguska Spores 22 0.85 24 3
For localization: Game/Disease/DiseasesMsgs.rsc
StringTable resource
Entry _strings
String _name = "AIDS"; String _text = "AIDS";
String _name = "Bronchitis"; String _text = "Bronchitis";
String _name = "Cytomegalovirus"; String _text = "Cytomegalovirus";
String _name = "Pertusse"; String _text = "Pertusse";
String _name = "Diabetes"; String _text = "Diabetes";
String _name = "Encefalopatie"; String _text = "Encefalopatie";
String _name = "Febris"; String _text = "Febris";
String _name = "Glaukom"; String _text = "Glaukom";
String _name = "Chlamydia"; String _text = "Chlamydia";
String _name = "Ebola"; String _text = "Ebola";
String _name = "Leishmaniasis"; String _text = "Leishmaniasis";
String _name = "H1N1"; String _text = "H1N1";
String _name = "H5N1"; String _text = "H5N1";
String _name = "RadiationSickness"; String _text = "Radiation sickness";
String _name = "Anthrax"; String _text = "Anthrax";
String _name = "Constipation"; String _text = "Constipation";
String _name = "Jaundice"; String _text = "Jaundice";
String _name = "SARS"; String _text = "SARS";
String _name = "COVID19"; String _text = "COVID-19";
String _name = "LassaFever"; String _text = "Lassa Fever";
String _name = "Meningitis"; String _text = "Meningitis";
String _name = "BacillusInfernus"; String _text = "Bacillus Infernus";
String _name = "Neurodermatitis"; String _text = "Neurodermatitis";
String _name = "GoblinFever"; String _text = "Goblin Fever";
String _name = "Cancer"; String _text = "Cancer";
String _name = "Motaba"; String _text = "Motaba";
String _name = "Macrovirus"; String _text = "Macrovirus";
String _name = "JungleWorms"; String _text = "Jungle Worms";
String _name = "CutiePox"; String _text = "Cutie Pox";
String _name = "TunguskaSpores"; String _text = "Tunguska Spores";
String _name = "Lycanthropy"; String _text = "Lycanthropy";
String _name = "CreutzfeldtJakob"; String _text = "Creutzfeldt-Jakob";
String _name = "Fibrodysplasia"; String _text = "Fibrodysplasia";
- remove Cholera (already exists by default) - fixed name for COVID-19 - all diseases have been remade! - added: - Cancer - Motaba - Macrovirus - Jungle Worms - Cutie Pox - Tunguska Spores - Lycanthropy - Creutzfeldt-Jakob - Fibrodysplasia
Added: - SARS - COVID-19 - Cholera - Lassa Fever - Meningitis - Bacillus Infernus - Neurodermatitis - Goblin Fever
* Added localization support. * Fixed a file name with a mod (you need to remove the old file). Infections.pkm -> InfectionsPlus.pkm
Adding these diseases (more info on the main page): - H1N1 - H5N1 - RadiationSickness - Anthrax - Constipation - Jaundice