GTRM - "Green Biome"
- Filename: wintinGroundTex.pkm (3.1 MB)
- Current version: 1.1 (123 months ago)
- Total downloads: 28,391
- Listed below are the current up-to-date status for each retexture themes. Choose your preferred Theme & download it. Have Fun!
..................v1.1 - (Grassland Terrain) "Green Biome"
..................v2.3 - (Marshland/Swamp Terrain) "The Swamp - A Night To Remember"
..................v3.21 - (Snowland Terrain) "The Flakes of Northern Lights"
..................v4.1 - (Desert Sand Terrain) "The Sands of Time - Sahara Night"
..................v5.1 - (Autumn & Spring Terrain) "The Falling Leaves - The Beetles Night"
OPTIONAL - For best results - use RESHADE (SweetFX2.0) Injector, just google it :)
***NOTE: An update to "v1.2 Road 45 - End of the Roads" will fixed the graphical glitches on Quarry ground & roads, install the latest update if u only experienced some glitches. Credits: Denis de la Rive
Mod Objectives
Just to be clear, this mod is not for everyone, my goal/objectives of creating some visual effects add-on like Night time & some floating effects are to add some difficulties in the game - visual perspective. During Night &/or along with some harsh weather effects you will experienced difficulty of building & tending your Town, usually around Sept-Dec. Your ability to produce & to expand will hindered in those 3-4 months. This mod is not recommended if you have eye problems & such as there're some changes in ambient transition, some w/ extreme lightings & dimmer surroundings. I have a separate mod to disable the falling/floating effects & can be found here, read for more info @ .....
v1.1 - "Green Biome"
- new textures for Grass, Dirt (Riverbank), Rock (Mountain), Snow, Pasture, Cemetery Field & same as v1.0 for Crop & Orchard
- hand-painted textures were used to those mentioned above, credits: some guys from
- murky shadow effects
- removed all fogs
- uses Calendar Months instead of default Seasonal Reports
- replaced default Oak tree into a Cherry Tree
Preview ___click to Enlarge -->
click to Enlarge -->
click to Enlarge -->
v1.0 - "Green Stripes"
This mod will simply replace the default Crop, Orchard, Pasture, & Cemetery Field
Modded (to look as if already ploughed, cultivated, & sprayed w/ fertilizer)
v5.1 - (Autumn & Spring Terrain) "The Falling Leaves - The Beetles Night"
- lots of changes; not compatible to an existing savedgame w/ previous mod version; recommended to start a new game
- added Day/Night Cycle
- added new type of Climate - Cold Night w/ "Glowing Green Beetles" Effect (Sept-Dec); if u choose other Climate, you will get random nights instead.
- no rain; removed all fogs; Windy climate likely occur (Jan, April, May, & Aug.)
- changed Pasture/Cemetery ground texture w/ dried grass
- changed some trees w/ Autumn Pine Trees
- Mine & Chimney smoke leaned more to visually in-sync w/ strong wind environment
- removed Audio Tweaks introduced by previous version; you can use a separate mod for Audio Tweaks here
- reverted to default roads; you can use a separate mod for New Roads here
- ....& some minor adjustment
All Screenshots were taken with SweetFX Turn OFF, i recommend to turn it On for more vivid, sharp colors
Sunny Spring --> click to Enlarge
Windy & Cloudy Spring --> click to Enlarge
Autumn --> click to Enlarge
Pitch Black Night w/ Glowing Green Beetles -->click to Enlarge
v5.0 - "The Falling Leaves"
- replaced default terrain textures with Spring & Autumn Theme (grass w/ flower patches, dirt w/ dried leaves, rock to dark moss, snow to dried mapple leaves)
- replaced default Oak & Birch Tree foliage textures to mimic Cherry Trees & increased luminosity during early autumn
- replaced rain with Windy Spring (rain to falling pink cherry leaves); replaced snow with Windy Autumn (snow to falling Autumn leaves); Leaves float around
- same ambient windy sound from v4.0
- same rivers & lakes from v4.0
- replaced default dirt road & stone road
- if u have "fog-be-gone mod", put my mod on top of it, otherwise u'll get odd looks of Falling Leaves
Windy Spring
Windy Autumn
v4.1 - (Desert Sand Terrain) "The Sands of Time - Sahara Night"
- lots of changes so i guess no longer compatible w/ existing savedgame...
- added Day/Night Cycle
- extreme Summer Heat Months (Feb-June) w/ Heat-Wave Effect visibly seen on casted shadows
- no rain; removed fogs; Sandstorm likely occur (June-Aug)
- changed Pasture texture
- Mine & Chimney smoke leaned more to visually in-sync w/ strong wind environment
- Chimney smoke blackened to a small amount
- added new type of Climate - Cold Night w/ "Dust Storm" Effect (Sept-Dec) (must choose this to experienced day/night cycle better, if you don't then u will have random nights)
- removed Audio Tweaks introduced by previous version; you can use a separate mod
for Audio Tweaks here
- reverted to default roads; you can use a separate mod for New Roads here
- changed Oak Tree (now Dead Tree), Birch Tree (now Dried Tree), & Pine Tree (now Dead Tree)
- ....& some minor adjustment
All Screenshots were taken w/ SweetFX OFF, looks better if u have it ON
Clear Day w/ dried & dead trees -->> click to Enlarge
Day w/ Sandstorm blackened the skies temporarily --> click to Enlarge
Night w/ Dust Storm in Moonlight sky --> click to Enlarge
v4.0 - "The Sands of Time"
- replaced default terrain textures with Desert Theme (grass to yellow-gold sand, dirt to mudclay, rock to desert canyon, snow to red-orange sand)
- replaced rain with Sandstorm (Gold Flakes); replaced snow with Duststorm (RedOrange Flakes); changed velocity value (dusts float around)
- replaced rivers & lakes w/ more wavery water
- replaced rain & snow ambient sound effects with wind effects (i used the sound effects u heard when u zoomed-out)
- increased particleCount = 3000 (default=1250) // lemme know if u experienced decrease in performance
- replaced default dirt road & stone road
- if u have "fog-be-gone mod", put my mod on top of it, otherwise u'll get odd looks of Sandstorm & Duststorm
Summer --> click to Enlarge
Sandstorm --> click to Enlarge
Duststorm --> click to Enlarge
v3.21 - (Snowland Terrain) "The Flakes of Northern Lights"
- a minor fixed to "Aurora Borealis"
- smoothen the streaming flows of water from a river to lake
v3.2 - "The Flakes of Northern Lights"
- changed seasonal status into monthly status (ex. Winter = November)
- added Day/Night Cycle
- added new type of Climate - Cold Night w/ "Aurora Borealis" Effect (Sept-Dec) (Aurora-B lateral movement)
- changed the ambient & light transition in the environment (constant Sun Angle @ 60 deg)
- no rain; remove all fogs; frequent snow (June-Aug)
- used tornado sound effect during snow (vol.=0.2)
- replaced Lake Water (again) w/ more shiny-icy-calmer-look
- changed colors of Oak, Birch, & Pine Trees
- ....& some minor adjustment
click to Enlarge (1) (2) (3)
Night w/ Aurora Borealis (The Northern Lights)
Snowing (click to Enlarge )
Clear Day (click to Enlarge )
v3.1 - "The Flakes of North"
- replaced default terrain textures with Snow Theme (grass w/ snow, dirt w/ snow, rock w/ snow)
- replaced default snowflake textures
- increased size of snowflakes (default=0.1, modded=0.3)
- changed water flows of river & lake = much calmer
- replaced default dirt road & stone road
Winter -- >
Summer/Spring -->
v2.3 - (Marshland/Grassland Terrain) "The Swamp - A Night To Remember"
- changed seasonal status into monthly status (ex. Winter = November)
- added new type of Climate - "Cold Night" (value in between of Fair & Harsh)
..................this is a predefined climate for a smooth Day-Night Transition; it's ok if u want to play different Climate, but w/o transition
..................lessen the random & frequent raining
..................rainy months are Jan, July, & Aug
..................Cold Night Months start from late Aug. - early Jan.
- added Day/Night Cycle
..................Dec-Jan = transition from dawn to sunrise
..................Jan-August = morning to afternoon
..................August-Sept = transition from sunset to night
..................Sept-Dec = midnight to dawn
- changed the ambient & light transition in the environment - it's more dimmer & adds murky shadow effect (constant Sun Angle @ 30 deg)
- removed all fogs
- removed winter; replaced with a dimmed-Shire-look
- added firefly effect during night
- lowered the sound volume of rain
- replaced colored textures of Oak, Birch, & Pine Trees
Clear Day to Sunset --> click to Enlarge
Sunset-Night Transition --> click to Enlarge
Night --> click to Enlarge
v2.2 - "The Swamp"
- changed river & lake water flows (to look more wilder & waver)
- slightly increased water-level
- new dirt w/ moss
- scaled & toned-down some terrains
- replaced default terrain, dirt, shore, & mountain texture with Swamp Theme
- replaced dirt road & stone road
Preview --> Click to Enlarge
v7.0 - Conceptual Stage - "Farming Mars"
v6.0 - On-Hold - "The Darkside of Luna"
Google Images
Compiled & Tested to work w/ Banished v1.0.4 Build 141103
Application-x32 // Application-x64 // Application-steam-x32 // Application-steam-x64
v1.1 - "Green Biome" - new textures for Grass, Dirt (Riverbank), Rock (Mountain), Snow, Pasture, Cemetery Field & same as v1.0 for Crop & Orchard - hand-painted textures used mentioned above, credits: some guys from - murky shadow effects - removed all fogs - uses Calendar Months instead of default Seasonal Reports
v5.1 - (Autumn & Spring Terrain) "The Falling Leaves - The Beetles Night" - added Day/Night Cycle - added new type of Climate - Cold Night w/ "Glowing Green Beetles" Effect (Sept-Dec) - no rain; removed all fogs; Windy climate likely occur (Jan, April, May, & Aug.) - changed Pasture/Cemetery ground texture w/ dried grass - changed some trees w/ Autumn Pine Trees - Mine & Chimney smoke leaned more to visually in-sync w/ strong wind environment - removed Audio Tweaks introduced by previous version; you can use a separate mod for Audio Tweaks here - reverted to default roads; you can use a separate mod for New Roads here - ....& some minor adjustment
v4.1 - (Desert Sand Terrain) "The Sands of Time - Sahara Night" - lots of changes so i guess no longer compatible w/ existing savedgame... - added Day/Night Cycle - extreme Summer Heat Months (Feb-June) w/ Heat-Wave Effect visibly seen on casted shadows - no rain; removed fogs; Sandstorm likely occur (June-Aug) - changed Pasture texture - Mine & Chimney smoke leaned more to visually in-sync w/ strong wind environment - added new type of Climate - Cold Night w/ "Dust Storm" Effect (Sept-Dec) (must choose this to experienced day/night cycle better if you don't then u will have random nights) - removed Audio Tweaks introduced by previous version; you can use a separate mod for Audio Tweaks here - reverted to default roads; you can use a separate mod for New Roads here - changed Oak Tree (now Dry Oak Tree), Birch Tree (now Palm Tree), & Pine Tree (now Dead Tree) - ....& some minor adjustment
v3.21 - "The Flakes of Northern Lights" - a minor fixed to "Aurora Borealis" - smoothen the streaming flows of water from a river to lake
v3.2 - (Snowland Terrain) "The Flakes of Northern Lights" - added Day/Night Cycle - added new type of Climate - Cold Night w/ "Aurora Borealis" Effect (Sept-Dec) - no rain; remove all fogs; frequent snow (June-Aug) - used tornado sound effect during snow (vol.=0.2) - replaced Lake Water (again) w/ more shiny-icy-calmer-look - changed colors of Oak, Birch, & Pine Trees - ....& some minor adjustment
v2.3 - "The Swamp" changelog - added new type of Climate - "Cold Night" (value in between of Mild & Harsh) - lessen the random & frequent raining - rainy months are Jan, July, & Aug - Cold Night Months start from Aug - Jan - changed seasonal status into monthly status ( ex. Spring = January) - added day/night cycle Dec-Jan = transition from dawn to sunrise Jan-August = morning to afternoon August-Sept = transition from sunset to night Sept-Dec = midnight to dawn - changed the ambient & light transition in the environment - it's more dimmer & adds murky shadow effect - removed all fogs - removed winter; replaced with a dimmy-Shire-look - added firefly effect during night - lowered the volume of rain - replaced colored textures of Oak, Birch, & Pine Trees
[b]v5.0 - "The Falling Leaves" [/b] - replaced default terrain textures with Spring & Autumn Theme (grass w/ flower patches, dirt w/ dried leaves, rock to dark moss, snow to dried mapple leaves) - replaced rain with Windy Spring (rain to falling pink cherry leaves); replaced snow with Windy Autumn (snow to falling Autumn leaves); same v4.0 velocity value (Leaves float around) - decreased particleCount = 50 (default=1250) - same rivers & lakes from v4.0 - replaced default dirt road & stone road - if u have "fog-be-gone mod", put my mod on top of it, otherwise u'll get odd looks of Falling Leaves
- replaced default terrain textures with desert theme (grass to yellow-gold sand, dirt to mudclay, rock to desert canyon, snow to red-orange sand) - replaced rain with Sandstorm (Gold Flakes); replaced snow with Duststorm (RedOrange Flakes) - replaced river & lakes w/ more wavery water - replaced rain & snow ambient sound effects with wind effects (i used the sound effects u heard when u zoomed-out) - increased particleCount = 3000 (default=1250) // lemme know if u experienced decrease in performance - replacced dirt road & stone road
- a small fix to snowflakes not showing in the previous version - i mistakenly placed to a wrong folder
- scaled &/ toned-down some terrains; change dirt, added moss to new dirt - replaced default water flows/waves to more wilder flows - increased water-level - all my mods are savedgame compatible