[All in One] Unified Collection [70+ Mods / Tweaks]
- Filename: XP-Enhanced.pkm (10.1 MB)
- Current version: 0.8.32 (128 months ago)
- Total downloads: 57,643
This is my unified collection of mods / tweaks.
If you have any requests for individual packages, changes or suggestions please post!
Will be updating this every time I make changes as this is what I use for my own games.
Thanks and Enjoy!
ps: make sure to sign in before downloading so you get notified next time when visiting this site if its updated!
When submitting bug reports, please state if you're using
any other mods and be as descriptive as possible!
Maybe even a saved game upload?
+++Looking for Contributors!+++
-+- Tip based on feedback from "downloadmyheart" -+-
Auto-Save Game "TURN OFF":, using Application-steam-x32 / Run as Admin / In-Game Anti-Aliasing Turn Off + SweetFX 1.5.1 w/ Watchdogs Realistic Preset Settings / NOW no more Game crush, no missing icons/blank resources name/textures, Nomads showing (7th year in my gameplay w/ 8 in Town Hall)), Trade Merchants showing/selling all vanilla + addons resources introduced by mods.
That might help some!
Version 0.8.32
Misc Changes
+ Debug Mode Enabled. Will be disabled on first "finalised" release.
In Progress
+ ExtraExile compatibility.
MOD Integration
+ New Tailor Clothes
+ White Chicken
+ Fig Trees
+ Lettuce
Looking Into;
+ Apiary Update 2 with Mead and Pumpkin Ale
+ Tavern Enhancement
Whats New?
Issues Sorted
- Nomads possibly fixed.
MOD Integration
+ Colour Tiles
+ Tool Maker
Stone House
+ Removed Direct Build option. Only available via upgrade now.
*** Potentially Bugged atm ***
+ Mushroom weight adjusted.
MOD Integration
+ Adam and EVE.
+ Elfecutioner's Storage Carts.
+ Elfecutioner's General Store.
+ Apiary.
+ Fruit Market
Boarding House / Apartment Block
+ Tweaked values.
Stone House
+ Option to upgrade to a Two Story house implemented. Idea from kralyerg
Gatherers Hut
+ Increased total of max workers to 8.
+ Capacity Greatly Increased.
+ Now Deletable.
+ Now Deletable.
+ New type of mine. Vertical mine technology invented!
+ Capacity Greatly Increased.
+ Dirt and Stone roads improved.
+ Flatten ground tool added.
+ Livestock reduced by 50%
Status Window
+ Seasons to Months
+ Changed Seasons to Calendar Months.
Resources Improved
+ All
Map Type
+ Ground Zero. More flat lands less hills.
Map Size
+ Epic map size added
Starting Condition
+ Legendary Start condition added.
+ Wont die as frequent when working.
+ Minimum 1 x 1
+ Maximum 60 x 60
+ More trees can be packed into smaller areas now.
+ Maximum 64 Workers
+ Build on any walkable area ie hills etc.
+ Maximum of 60 x 60.
+ Maximum 16 Workers.
+ Build on any walkable area ie hills etc.
Storage Barn
+ Renamed to Warehouse
+ Increased Capacity.
Stock Pile
+ Increased Capacity.
+ Range Increased.
+ Storage Capacity Increased
+ Minimum of 1 x 1
+ Maximum of 60 x 60
+ 64 Workers.
+ Build on any walk able area ie hills etc.
+ Holds 50 occupants.
+ Increased student capacity to 200.
+ Can use up to 4 Teachers.
+ Increased Range.
+ Increased occupants to 500.
+ The Fappening has spread to the game.
+ Requires 0 Population to appear.
Trade Port
+ Increased Capacity
+++++ Contributors +++++
Adam and Eve Mod
By: DetachableMonkey
Site: http://www.reddit.com/r/Banished/comments/2enh48/adam_and_eve_mod_dl_in_comments
Elfecutioner's Storage Carts & General Store
By: Elfecutioner
Site: http://banishedmods.com/showthread.php?tid=144&pid=531#pid531
Fruit Market
By: XubXub
Site: http://banishedinfo.com/mods/view/648-Fruit-Market
ToolMaker+ and Coloured Tiles
By: ent_mod
Site: http://banishedinfo.com/mods/view/17-Tool-Maker
Issues Sorted - Nomads possibly fixed. MOD Integration + Colour Tiles + Tool Maker Stone House + Removed Direct Build option. Only available via upgrade now. *** Potentially Bugged atm *** Gatherer + Mushroom weight adjusted.
Issues Sorted - Trading Post Issue - Gone to a previous edit to see if that helps. Boarding House / Apartment Block + Tweaked values. Stone House + Option to upgrade to a Two Story house implemented. Idea from kralyerg http://banishedinfo.com/mods/view/12-Two-Story-House-beta-v-0-9
- 32 Bit Compiler. Just to check if it makes a difference.
+ Various Fixes and Tweaks + Apiary integrated + Vertical Mines
+ Flatten Ground tool added. + Livestock sound adjusted to 50% + Both Road Types have been Improved. + Elfecutioner's Storage Carts Integrated. + Elfecutioner's General Store Integrated. + More tweaks
+ Season / Month Display fixed. + Possibly sorted child birth issue. + More tweaks