DS Horn Carrots
- Filename: Carrots.pkm (2.4 MB)
- Current version: 2.1 (84 months ago)
- Total downloads: 15,238
Horn Carrots
v2.1 - 25 Dec 2017
Horn Carrots
seeds cost = 2500
Growth months = 2.75 (0.2 tolerance)
Growth temp = 45 – 85°F
Trade value = 1
Edible | Vegetable
Change Log:
v 2.0 25-Dec-2017 564KB
Carrot mesh and texture updates, AO added, text and icon changes, file name changes.
v 2.0 03-February-2017 564KB
Carrots are now a separate resource called ‘Horn Carrots’ to differentiate from other mods that add carrots.
v 1.0 19-September-2016 558KB
Adds seeds and new food resource called ‘Carrots’.
** This mod should not conflict with any other mod, though if using another mod that adds Carrots, there may be a duplication off seeds and resource.
v2.1 -- 25-Dec-2017 - Carrot mesh and texture updates, AO added, text and icon changes, file name changes. previously v2.0: - Carrots are now a separate resource called ‘Horn Carrots’ to differentiate from other mods that add carrots.