Small Town Row Houses 1.20
- Filename: rowhouse.pkm (42.5 MB)
- Current version: 1.20 (100 months ago)
- Total downloads: 26,830
Small Town Rowhouses 1.20
Major Update
It is NOT compatible to load in a saved game!
I have gone over every single mesh and optimized them.
I have remapped all meshes with better textures.
I have organized the code so it is consistent all over.
I have added a new texture (slate/ceramic roof, new color scheme)
Added two storage buildings.
Added Nilla's Tiny Rowhouses
I have changed the old funny-looking Town Hall
and added a new freestanding Town Hall
Some of you have tested it and I have not heard anything bad from you, so:
Here it is! ;D
Rowhouse 1.20
Check it out and leave feedback!
Rowhouse 1.09
Rowhouse 1.05
- Major Update of models and textures. - Added two storage buildings
- Changed - ALL houses 10% higher - Updated - Immigrations Office now works as it should. Town Hall has got a minimize button on the menu. All fixes for non-edible food included.