You are not logged in. You are not able to create or change external links unless you are logged in. Log in to have full access. Edit page Edit info box Preview A market is used as a centralized location for all goods that a town produces. Market {vendors} will visit many different {stock piles} and {storage barns} to collect the full variety of resources that the town produces - they are very useful in providing your citizens with a varied {diet} by collecting all the different food types. Although a large number of your citizens can work at a market, having only one or two vendors working there will stock it sufficiently in the early game, and you will only need more working there once your town begins to become more spread out. A perfect example for the marketplace is where you have one cluster of buildings producing firewood on only one side of the map - the vendors for a marketplace on the other side of the map will collect the firewood and bring it to the market, reducing the need for every house to make the journey individually. ![Market preview](/images/item_thumbs/15.jpg) # Construction {Logs} x 58 {Stone} x 62 {Iron} x 40 # Storage capacity 10,000 units of weight Edit message: Save