You are not logged in. You are not able to create or change external links unless you are logged in. Log in to have full access. Edit page Edit info box Preview {Stone}, {iron}, and {logs} can be directly gathered from the ground using the {destruction & removal tools}, but will soon run out (although trees will very slowly spread outwards from existing forests). Once these materials run out, they can only be obtained either through {trade|trading post}, or from {foresters|forester lodge} which plant trees, {quarries} which mine {stone}, and {mines} which produce {iron} and {coal}. Quarries and mines only produce a finite amount of resources, and will eventually run out - they cannot be removed once built. {Wool} is produced from {sheep} in pastures, while {leather} is produced both from {cows} and from deer, hunted at {hunting cabins}. {Herbs} are produced at an {herbalist}, and help keep your citizens healthy. Edit message: Save