You are not logged in. You are not able to create or change external links unless you are logged in. Log in to have full access. Edit page Edit info box Preview A {tailor|tailor (profession)} can make clothing for the citizens of the town. {Citizens} can stay outside longer in cold weather if they have good {clothing|hide coat}. It also makes them {happier|happiness}. Clothing wears out after several years and needs to be replaced. When the tailor is low on the materials needed to make clothes, he or she will travel to the nearest {storage barn} that has them and bring them back to the building. The tailor will then craft clothing. After clothes have been made, the tailor or a general {laborer} will pick up the clothes and move them to the nearest {storage barn}. ![Tailor preview](/images/item_thumbs/36.jpg) # Construction {Logs|logs} x 32 {Stone} x 48 {Iron} x 16 Edit message: Save