DS Stone Hovels
- Filename: DSStoneHovels.pkm (8.7 MB)
- Current version: 1.4 (86 months ago)
- Total downloads: 9,564
DS Stone Hovels - v1.4 **UPDATED** 21 Jan 2018
Stone Hovel - 3x3 - 4 occupants | 900 capacity | 8 logs + 21 stone + 34 work
Stone Hovel, angled - 4x4 - 4 occupants | 900 capacity | 8 logs + 21 stone + 34 work
Stone Hovel Cottage - 4x4 - 4 occupants | 1200 capacity | 9 logs + 29 stone + 42 work
Perry's Stone Hovel, 4x4 - 5 occupants | 1300 capacity | 13 logs + 34 stone + 42 work ** new in v1.3+
Hendry Family Stone Hovel, 5x5 - 7 occupants | 1500 capacity | 13 logs + 55 stone + 55 work ** new in v1.3+
find them in the Community - DS - Housing toolbar.
Download from above.
Change Log:
v1.4 - update .. 21Jan2018 .. - .pkm = 8,957 KB (8.74 MB) | download .zip = 6,426 KB (6.27 MB)
- adjusted size of Hendry's Family and Perry's stone hovels.
- model adjust & added 3 variants to Hendry's hovel.
- string text edit.
v1.3 - update .. 17Jan2018 .. - .pkm = 7,998 KB (7.80 MB)
- added 2 new stone hovels.
- footprint alterations.
- sprite edit.
v1.2 - update .. 19Dec2017 .. - .pkm = 5,742 KB (5.60 MB)
- reduced overall size of the Stone Hovel & angled variant by 10%
- added footprints to all buildings.
- AO fixes.
- changes to DS toolbar files.
v1.1 - update .. 27Mar2017 .. - .pkm = 4,807 KB (4.69 MB)
- *compiled with Banished 107beta2
- added new Stone Hovel Cottage with 1 variant.
- fixed AO (Ambient Occlusion) + mesh improvements on Stone Hovels.
- increased storage capacity of stone hovel to 900 (from 750).
v1 - initial release .. 24Feb2017 .. - .pkm = 2,349 KB (2.29 MB)