You are not logged in. You are not able to create or change external links unless you are logged in. Log in to have full access. Edit page Edit info box Preview A hunting cabin can be placed in forests or open areas where wild animals roam. {Hunters} will search the area around the cabin in search of animals. In addition to providing {venison}, hunters use the animals hide to produce {leather} which can be turned into clothing by a {tailor|tailor (profession)}. A hunter will kill a deer when they come into contact with one, and then head straight to the nearest {storage barn} to drop off the meat and leather, without stopping at the hunting cabin. After each kill, no more deer will be killed by any of the building's hunters for 2 months - this limits the maximum to 6 deer per year. An educated hunter produces 200 {venison} and 6 {leather} per deer, but uneducated workers have a greater chance to produce less (160 food) per kill. Hunters are the least affected of the food producers by not having tools, as most of their time is spent wandering around searching for deer. ![Hunting Cabin preview](/images/item_thumbs/29.jpg) # Construction {Logs|logs} x 34 {Stone} x 12 Edit message: Save